Many of us want to have healthier habits in general, but stress, anxiety, and mood disorders like depression sometimes get in the way. As our mental health suffers, so does our physical health, and these issues can have negative effects on our daily lives, from work to our relationships to even staying safe behind the wheel of a car. While stress doesn’t necessarily make you a distracted driver, you may find yourself abusing substances in order to cope, and that can have a huge impact on your safety.

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No matter how careful you are when you drive, you run the risk of being in a car accident any time you get behind the wheel. You need to be prepared for the worst to help first responders address your medical needs and protect your health, especially if you are confused or unconscious when they arrive at the scene. There are some steps all drivers should take to ensure you protect your health in the event of an accident.

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Your priorities change in many ways once you become a parent. All of a sudden, things you’d never considered before, such as life insurance, 401Ks, and college tuition savings, become important. If you’ve always been a little lax on the subject of car maintenance, once you become a mom or dad, you begin paying more attention to things your father always warned you about, including low tire pressure, steering alignment, and regular oil changes. All of a sudden, the safety of your family supersedes everything, and keeping the family car in good condition and operating safely becomes a “must do” rather than an “I’ll get around to it.”

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Everyone loves a good road trip, and in order to keep yourself and your family safe during a multi-hour or multi-day drive you need to know some safe driving habits that every traveler should know. Driving is certainly not risk-free, but if you take precautions and practice safe procedures you can mitigate the risk multifold. Here are some tips.

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You’ve planned your itinerary, picked out roadside attractions along the way, made all your hotel and campground reservations, and you’re just about ready to hit the open road. Before you go, there’s one crucial thing you need to accomplish before starting your summer road trip: making sure your car is just as ready as you are. Here are five car maintenance tasks you need to take care of before departing on the adventure of a lifetime: 1. Schedule Routine Maintenance If you’re about to put…Continue Reading “5 Car Maintenance Musts Before Hitting the Road This Summer”

When you get an oil change, the technicians will usually check all the tires and make sure they are filled to the proper PSI. But you should regularly monitor your tire pressure as well as the tread. It’s also a good idea to get your tires rotated at least once every six months to ensure even wear. Generally speaking, new tires should last about 50,000 miles, depending on the type of tire and how you drive your car. How to Check Your Tire Pressure How…Continue Reading “Tire Upkeep Tips”

Buying a car is an investment in transportation, and the best way to take care of your investment is through regular upkeep. If you love cars and are familiar with how they run, then you probably have a good idea of the important steps necessary for keeping your car running and looking great. If you aren’t mechanically-inclined, find an auto shop you trust for regular maintenance (i.e. oil changes, tire rotations, fluid checks), and be sure to regularly check your oil, wash your car, vacuum…Continue Reading “Car Care Checklist”